Thanks, @UserPick and @KingJason - much appreciated. If I understand correctly, does this mean to come out in FG and then in a Punt formation? From there, look to quick snap? I appreciate the heads up - I read somewhere else that you can Fake Punt Run on them to counter, but I'm not sure.
@Stritzo, I really don't think it was a fluke - I was up 38 - 14 and showed a loss, 11 - 14. There was definitely something non-random going on here, for sure. When I was removed from the game, the EA Sports Servers booted me and said there was "an error with my account." Apparently, it took about 5 mins to resolve, meaning I could sign into XBox Live and not the EA Servers.
I know it's very odd, but be on the lookout. The guy then sent me a message that said, "GG - IP Flood - lol."
So I'm not saying he did flood my IP, but something happened here that didn't seem to be a random fluke. Either way, this stuff is par for the course these days.