2-4-5 is exactly like Nickel Normal.
Nickel Normal is also one of the best D to run the contain D out of..
To have a good contain D alignment:
2 MLBs
4 DL [I think, no success for me using 3-4 or 3-3-5]
You just stack both MLBs behind both DTs so your opponent won't know where the pressure comes from..
Also, I believe in the 2-4-5, there are some Ds where both the MLBs are angled into the A-gap, directly in the A-gap. So you line the MLBs over the DTs, they try to run a dive on you because the spread DL, and you got two MLBs heading into that gap..
4-4 is another one that qualifies.. 46 can too, but I don't like it as much as Nickel Normal for Contain D..