Recruiting for an Online Draft Franchise(XBOX 360)
Spots taken : 8/32
I am a very organized person and will stay in contact with you and be on top of things, dont join if your going to leave the franchise if you don't get the perfect team in the draft. I know how that works. If your on daily you will not miss the draft time.
I am wanting dedicated people who will draft and don't quit when they're negative record.
I realize that if your looking on the internet for franchises to join that your are most likely serious about joining one and staying up to date
Advance will be every 2 days or daily, depending on you guys as a group.
My Xbox Gamertag: Flextality
Message me on xbox if your interested in joining this franchise or repost here your GT and I will contact you.
Wanting draft to be around this weekend sometime, no rush though.