What up MB Fam,
This is something I am encountering, and I wanted to see if anyone has figured out a fix or a way to control it better. Here's the deal:
After setting up a custom playback some of you may have noticed that a lot of packages get seperated into multiple categories, even though it's the same formation. For example, I have one offensive book where there are about 4 different SINGELBACK categories/listings. 1) will have my "Big" formation under it. 2) will have "Tight Flex" and "Ace Pair" listed under it. 3) will have "Normal Flex" listed. 4) will have "Bunch" listed under it.
This is as opposed to how the default playbooks work, where all packages for a formation are listed in the same category/listing.
The worst experience I've had yet happened last night when I created my custom defensive playbook (which I'm hyped about cause I was able to include all of G.B.'s schemes). After I got it all set up I went in The Lab, and got quickly discouraged. Every defensive package I chose was under it's own category/listing with the exception of my 3-4 Stack and 3-4 Normal, which were grouped together properly. So in a nut shell I had to scroll left/right for every package I have (i.e. 3-4 Predator, Nickel 3-3-5, Nickel Storng, Nickel Psycho, 3-4 Stack, etc, etc, etccccc).
I stayed positive about it figuring it would just take some getting use to, but I played a quick Ranked Game and found that it takes way to long to find a play because of all the scrolling over and over, and over. lmao mannnn. When I scroll to the right (for example) to look for what i want it'll go: 3-4 > 4-6 > 2-3-6 > 3-4 > Nickel > Dime > 3-4 > 3-3-5 > Nickel > 1-4-6 > 3-4 > etc.
I was thinking perhaps it had something to do with the order in which I selected the packages, but that didn't add up.
I'm gonna assume others have experienced something similar. If anyone comes across any fixes or ways to adjust it I'd appreciate a holla. If I figure something out I will do the same.